30 mars 2017

Thérapie par l'équitation pour une personne sourde-aveugle activée par une interface haptique

Aperçu: G.M.
L'étude présente une interface haptique pour aider les sourds-aveugles à pratiquer l'équitation comme activité récréative et thérapeutique.
es réponses aux questionnaires remplis par le cavalier, la famille et l'instructeur montrent que notre technique donne au coureur un plus grand sens de l'indépendance et plus de joie par rapport à l'équitation standard où l'instructeur marche avec le cheval. 

Assist Technol. 2017 Mar 27:1-8. doi: 10.1080/10400435.2017.1288178

Horseback riding therapy for a deafblind individual enabled by a haptic interface

Author information

a Department of Bioengineering , Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine , London , United Kingdom.
b Shadow Robot Company LTD , London , United Kingdom.
c School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science , Queen Mary University of London , London , United Kingdom.


We present a haptic interface to help deafblind people to practice horseback riding as a recreational and therapeutic activity. Horseback riding is a form of therapy which can improve self-esteem and sensation of independence. It has been shown to benefit people with various medical conditions-including autism. However, in the case of deafblind riders, an interpreter must stand by at all times to communicate with the rider by touch. We developed a simple interface that enables deafblind people to enjoy horseback riding while the instructor is remotely providing cues, which improves their independence. Experiments demonstrated that an autistic deafblind individual exhibits similar responses to navigational cues as an unimpaired rider. Motivation is an important factor in therapy, and is frequently determinant of its outcome; therefore, the user attitude toward the therapy methods is key. The answers to questionnaires filled by the rider, family, and the instructor show that our technique gives the rider a greater sense of independence and more joy compared to standard riding where the instructor is walking along with the horse.
PMID: 28346067
DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2017.1288178

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