25 mai 2017

Effet bénéfique de l'exercice interventionnel sur le syndrome du Fragile X autistique

Aperçu: G.M.
Le présent article a pour objet de discuter des articles publiés récemment dans la compréhension de l'efficacité de l'exercice interventionnel sur le syndrome du X fragile autiste (SXF), en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur son importance dans l'application clinique chez les patients.
Cette revue décrit l'efficacité bénéfique de l'exercice interventionnel et sa controverse chez les patients atteints de SXF autistiques.  
Cette étude fournit également des stratégies d'intervention pour les cliniciens et les scientifiques, que la voie des approches neurophysiologiques selon le niveau d'anomalies physiques et comportementales.

J Phys Ther Sci. 2017 Apr;29(4):760-762. doi: 10.1589/jpts.29.760. Epub 2017 Apr 20.

Beneficial effect of interventional exercise on autistic Fragile X syndrome

Lee S1,2,3, Won J1,2,3, Park S2,3,4, Lee SR5, Chang KT5, Kim JH6, Hong Y1,2,3,4.

Author information

Department of Rehabilitation Science, Graduate School of Inje University, Republic of Korea.
u-Healthcare & Anti-aging Research Center (u-HARC), Republic of Korea.
Biohealth Products Research Center (BPRC), Inje University, Republic of Korea.
Department of Physical Therapy, College of Biomedical Science & Engineering, Inje University, Republic of Korea.
National Primate Research Center (NPRC), Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Republic of Korea.
Institute of Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea.


[Purpose] The purpose of the present review is to discuss recent published articles in the understanding of efficacy of interventional exercise on autistic Fragile X syndrome (FXS) with special emphasis on its significance in clinical application in patients. [Methods] This review article was identified scientifically and/or clinically relevant articles from PubMed that directly/indirectly met the inclusion criteria. [Results] Mutation of fragile X mental retardation 1 (fmr1) gene on the X chromosome is related with loss of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) that affecting physiological and behavioral abnormalities. Autistic FXS individuals exhibit disturbed sleep and altered circadian behavior. Although the underlying molecular mechanisms are not been fully explored, interventional exercise in autistic FXS has been clinically used for the treatment of physiological and behavioral abnormalities as well as psychiatric disorder in autistic FXS. [Conclusion] This review describes beneficial efficacy of interventional exercise and its controversy in patients with autistic FXS. This review also provides interventional strategies for clinicians and scientists that the way of neurophysiological approaches according to the level of physical and behavioral abnormalities.
PMID: 28533625
PMCID: PMC5430288
DOI: 10.1589/jpts.29.760

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