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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Nigéria. Afficher tous les articles

21 août 2019

Les "troubles du spectre de l'autisme" au Nigéria: étude exploratoire de la littérature et avis sur les recherches futures et les orientations des politiques sociales

Aperçu: G.M.
Les recherches sur les "troubles du spectre de l'autisme" (TSA) en Afrique subsaharienne sont rares et limitées. Cependant, des études provenant du Nigéria en Afrique de l'Ouest en tant que pays ont contribué de manière significative au sujet des TSA en Afrique subsaharienne.
Cette étude est une revue exploratoire de la littérature de recherche sur les TSA au Nigéria jusqu'en juin 2017, qui a été réalisée en recherchant les termes clés autisme et Nigéria sur PubMed et Google Scholar. L'examen inclut des travaux concernant les rapports de cas et les comorbidités associées aux TSA au Nigéria; prévalence des TSA; étude génétique des TSA; caractéristiques cliniques des enfants avec un diagnostic de TSA; connaissance et sensibilisation au sujet des TSA; facteurs socioculturels affectant les TSA. Les opinions d'experts sur les questions de politique sociale et de santé publique affectant les TSA au Nigeria sont discutées
Des lacunes importantes en matière de recherche et d’intervention sont notées et nous proposons des orientations pour la recherche future, l’élaboration de politiques sociales et les services d’intervention pour les personnes avec un diagnostic de TSA au Nigéria.

2019;30(3):899-909. doi: 10.1353/hpu.2019.0063.

Autism Spectrum Disorders in Nigeria: A Scoping Review of Literature and Opinion on Future Research and Social Policy Directions



Research about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in sub-Saharan Africa is sparse and limited. However, research studies coming from Nigeria in West Africa as a country have contributed significantly to the subject of ASD in sub-Saharan Africa.


This study is a scoping review of research literature on ASD in Nigeria through June 2017 conducted by searching the key terms autism and Nigeria on PubMed and Google Scholar. Included in the review are works concerning case reports and co-morbidities associated with ASD in Nigeria; prevalence of ASD; genetic study of ASD; clinical characteristics of children with ASD; knowledge and awareness about ASD; socio-cultural factors affecting ASD. Expert opinion on social policy and public health issues affecting ASD in Nigeria are discussed.


Wide research and intervention gaps are noted and we suggest directions for future research, social policy development, and intervention services for individuals with ASD in Nigeria.

14 mai 2017

Prévalence et corrélations socioéconomiques de l'autisme chez les enfants fréquentant les écoles primaires et secondaires du sud-est du Nigéria

Aperçu: G.M.
Au total, 721 sujets ont rempli le questionnaire. L'âge des répondants variait entre 3 et 18 ans, avec un âge moyen de 12,71 et un écart-type de 3,03 ans. Vingt un enfants ont rempli les critères de l'autisme, ce qui donne une prévalence de 2,9%. Il existe une association significative entre l'âge dans les catégories  . Et les caractéristiques socio-économiques de l'autisme de l'enfance dans le sud-est du Nigeria sont similaires à celles d'autres parties du monde.

Afr Health Sci. 2016 Dec;16(4):936-942. doi: 10.4314/ahs.v16i4.8.

Prevalence and socioeconomic correlates of autism among children attending primary and secondary schools in south east Nigeria

Author information

College of Medicine, Department of pediatrics, University of Nigeria/ University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku- Ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Federal Teaching Hospital.
(Epid& Med Stat), FWACP, FMCPH Lecturer, College of Community medicine, University of Nigeria/University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku- Ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Department of Paediatrics, University of Nigeria/ University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku- Ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria.
College of Medicine,Department of pediatrics, University of Nigeria/ University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku- Ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Department of pediatrics, Enugu State University Teaching Hospital, Enugu.



The objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence and socio-economic determinants of autism among children attending primary and secondary schools in South East, Nigeria.


This was a cross-sectional study that assessed the prevalence and socio-economic pattern of childhood autism among children attending primary and secondary schools in Enugu and Ebonyi states, South East Nigeria. The questionnaire was adapted from American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR, 2000). The study was carried out between June and October, 2014. The schools were selected by listing all the mixed schools in the urban and semi- urban areas by simple random sampling.


A total of 721 subjects completed the questionnaire. The age of respondents ranged between 3 and 18 years, with mean age of 12.71 and standard deviation of 3.03 years. Twenty one children fulfilled the criteria for autism giving a prevalence of 2.9%. There is a significant association between age in categories (fishers exact test, p = 0.013) and social class (p=0.033).


The prevalence of autism was 2.9%; and the socio-economic characteristics of childhood autism in South East Nigeria are similar to those in other parts of the world.

PMID: 28479884
PMCID: PMC5398438
DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v16i4.8