Aperçu: G.M.
recherche a examiné les avantages et les coûts liés à l'utilisation
d'adultes avec un diagnostic de "trouble du spectre de l'autisme" (TSA) du point de
vue de l'employé, des contribuables et de la société, mais peu d'études
ont examiné la perspective de l'employeur.
employeurs employant des adultes avec un diagnostic de TSA en milieu ouvert ont été
invités à compléter un sondage en ligne comparant les employés avec et
sans TSA sur la base de la similitude de l'emploi. Les résultats suggèrent que l'emploi d'un adulte avec TSA offre
des avantages aux employeurs et à leurs organisations sans encourir de
coûts supplémentaires.
PLoS One. 2017 May 18;12(5):e0177607. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177607. eCollection 2017.
Employers' perception of the costs and the benefits of hiring individuals with autism spectrum disorder in open employment in Australia
Author information
- 1
- School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
- 2
- Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism (Autism CRC), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
- 3
- School of Public Health, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
- 4
- School of Pharmacy, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
- 5
- Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of Medicine and Health Science (IMH), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
- 6
- School of Education and Communication, CHILD programme, Institute of Disability Research, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden.
Research has examined the benefits and costs of employing adults with autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) from the perspective of the employee, taxpayer and society, but
few studies have considered the employer perspective. This study
examines the benefits and costs of employing adults with ASD, from the
perspective of employers. Fifty-nine employers employing adults with ASD
in open employment were asked to complete an online survey comparing
employees with and without ASD on the basis of job similarity. The
findings suggest that employing an adult with ASD provides benefits to
employers and their organisations without incurring additional costs.
- PMID: 28542465
- PMCID: PMC5436808
- DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0177607