08 mai 2017

Suicidalité dans les troubles du spectre de l'autisme

Aperçu: G.M.
Il est suggéré que les personnes avec un diagnostic de troubles du spectre de l'autisme (TSA) risquent davantage de se suicider; Cependant, la recherche sur ce sujet a été minimale et il existe des rapports contradictoires dans les études existantes.
La prévalence des tentatives de suicide variait entre 7% et 47%, tandis que les idées suicidaires ont été signalées jusqu'à dans 72% des cas. Être masculin et avoir des antécédents d'automutilation et de dépression ont été cités comme des facteurs de risque importants.
Les tentatives suicidaires et les idées suicidaires sont augmentées dans les TSA; Cependant, l'ampleur de l'augmentation et les facteurs de risque identifiés au sein de ce groupe restent sous-explorées. Il y a un manque de recherche sur les facteurs de protection. La corrélation entre la TSA et le suicide nécessite un examen approfondi avec une recherche longitudinale. 

Crisis. 2017 May 3:1-10. doi: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000458.

Suicidality in Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Author information

1 School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
2 Department of Psychiatry, College of Medical and Dental Science, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
3 Forward Thinking Birmingham, Youth Mental Health Service, Birmingham, UK.



It is suggested that people with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) may be at increased risk of suicide; however, research on this topic has been minimal and there are conflicting reports in existing studies.


To bring together research investigating the prevalence, risk factors, and comorbid factors of suicidality in ASD.


A systematic search was performed of Medline, Psych Info, Embase, and the Web of Science following PRISMA guidelines. After exclusion criteria were applied, 70 full-text articles were screened. The final review contained 12 papers with a total sample size of 2,651.


Prevalence of suicide attempts varied between 7% and 47%, while suicidal ideation was reported in up to 72% of cases. Being male and having a history of self-harm and depression were cited as significant risk factors.


Papers were cross sectional and contained a number of limitations. Only one paper used the gold standard for diagnosis of ASD and one a standardized measure of suicidal behavior.


Suicidal attempts and ideation are increased in ASD; however, the extent of the increase and the risk factors identified within this group remain under-investigated. There is a lack of research on protective factors. The correlation between ASD and suicidality needs further examination with longitudinal research.

PMID: 28468556
DOI: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000458

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