01 mai 2017

Efficacité d'une aide préparatoire pour faciliter l'évaluation bocco-dentaire dans un groupe d'enfants saoudiens avec un diagnostic de trouble du spectre de l'autisme en Arabie saoudite centrale

Aperçu: G.M.
L'étude évalue l'efficacité d'un livre dentaire spécialement conçu (aide préparatoire) sur le comportement d'un groupe d'enfants saoudiens avec un diagnostic de TSA lors de leur première visite dentaire au Collège de médecine dentaire de l'Université King Saud de Riyad, en Arabie Saoudite.
40 enfants de 6 ans et plus étaient concernés. 
Environ 47,5% des enfants ont agi positivement pendant la procédure dentaire. Le livre a eu un effet positif sur le comportement de 37,5% desenfants selon l'évaluation de leurs parents et est très efficace pour améliorer les connaissances dentaires des parents (67,5%)

Saudi Med J. 2017 May;38(5):533-540. doi: 10.15537/smj.2017.5.17398.

Effectiveness of a preparatory aid in facilitating oral assessment in a group of Saudi children with autism spectrum disorders in Central Saudi Arabia

Author information

Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. E-mail. ezmurshid@hotmail.com.



To evaluate the effectiveness of a specially-designed dental book (preparatory aid) on the behavior of a group of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Saudi children during their first dental visit to the College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A cross-sectional double-blinded pre-and post clinical study consisting of 2 parts; a survey targeting the parents, and a clinical oral examination of their ASD children was conducted between January and June of 2016.  Results: A total of 40 children (75% males and 25% females) with an average age of 6.1 years were included. Approximately 47.5% children acted positively during the dental procedure. The dental book had a positive effect on the behavior of 37.5%  children according to their parents' evaluation and highly effective in enhancing the parents' dental knowledge (67.5%).  Conclusion: Parents expressed positive opinions regarding the use of preparatory aids in the dental environment. Approximately half of the ASD children benefit from the preparatory aid used according to the parents' opinion, and the follow up survey showed improvement in the parent's dental knowledge and oral hygiene practices.
PMID: 28439605
DOI: 10.15537/smj.2017.5.17398

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